Facing the challenge of writing an essay in high school?

This time, it's different. You have the freedom to choose your own topic. While this might sound exciting, it's not always as simple as it seems. The right topic can be the difference between a compelling essay and a forgettable one.

Feeling the pressure? Don't worry. We're here to help.

In this blog post, we're diving into the world of essay topics, specifically tailored for high school students. We've got you covered with a variety of ideas, ranging from persuasive and discursive essays to opinion, expository, and narrative essays. Plus, we're throwing in an extra treat - five unique topics perfect for crafting a five-paragraph essay.

Our list of 65 topics isn't just a random collection. We've carefully mixed creative, fun, easy, and more challenging topics to cater to all tastes and interests. Whether you're looking to impress with your creativity or tackle something more traditional, we've got something for you.

Ready to find the perfect topic for your high school essay? Let's get started!

List of 65 Good Essay Topics for High School Students

Dive into our carefully curated list of 65 engaging essay topics designed for high school students. From thought-provoking to fun, these topics will spark your creativity and set the stage for compelling writing.

Persuasive topics

Starting a persuasive essay means choosing a topic you like and that can also convince others. It's about finding the perfect topic and making strong arguments. For high school students who are eager to look at things in new ways, here are ten persuasive essay topics that mix creative ideas with smart thinking:

  1. Should School Start Later to Allow More Sleep?
  2. Is Learning a Musical Instrument Important for Students?
  3. Should Junk Food Be Banned in Schools?
  4. Are School Uniforms Necessary or Outdated?
  5. Should High Schools Have Later Start Times?
  6. Is Year-Round Schooling Better than Traditional Schooling?
  7. Should Students Have Homework Every Day?
  8. Are School Cafeterias Offering Healthy Meal Choices?
  9. Should Schools Limit the Use of Technology in the Classroom?
  10. Is It Important to Have Physical Education Every Day?

These topics are great for encouraging students to think critically and develop persuasive arguments about relevant issues. Remember, a successful persuasive essay doesn't just present facts; it convinces the reader to see things from a new perspective.

Discursive topics

Starting a discursive essay means picking a topic where you can explore different sides fairly. It's about discussing the pros and cons and sharing different viewpoints. Here are ten simple yet engaging discursive essay topics perfect for high school students:

  1. School Cafeterias: Should Junk Food Be Banned?
  2. Homework: Helpful Practice or Too Much Pressure?
  3. Online Learning: Is It as Good as Being in the Classroom?
  4. Uniforms at School: Good for Everyone or Too Restrictive?
  5. Reality TV: Fun Entertainment or Bad Influence?
  6. Zoos: Are They Safe Havens for Animals or Just for Show?
  7. Social Media: Connecting People or Causing Stress?
  8. Sports: Just for Fun or Important for Health?
  9. Public Libraries: Still Needed or Outdated?
  10. Group Projects: Best Way to Learn or Too Much Trouble?

These topics are great for discussing different views and will help you see things from more than one angle. Remember, a good discursive essay isn't about picking a side but rather about showing you understand both sides of the story. Pick a topic that makes you curious, and dive into the discussion!

Opinion topics

Writing an opinion essay is all about sharing your views and explaining why you feel that way. It's your chance to express yourself on topics that matter to you. Here are ten fun and easy opinion essay topics perfect for high school students:

  1. Cartoons vs. Real-life Shows: Which Are More Entertaining?
  2. Are Pets Better Friends Than People Sometimes?
  3. Should Schools Start Later in the Morning?
  4. Is Playing Video Games Better Than Watching TV?
  5. Are Books More Fun to Read on Paper or on a Screen?
  6. Should Everyone Learn to Cook?
  7. Can Listening to Music Help You Study Better?
  8. Is It Better to Travel or Stay Home During Vacations?
  9. Are Superheroes the Best Kind of Movies?
  10. Should Every Student Learn to Play a Musical Instrument?

These topics are perfect for sharing your personal viewpoint and can be really fun to write about. Remember, the best opinion essays come from what you're really interested in or feel strongly about. So pick a topic that sparks your interest and share your thoughts!

Expository topics

Expository essays are great for diving deep into a topic and explaining it clearly. It's all about laying out the facts and explaining how things work or why they are the way they are. Here are ten good and interesting expository essay topics perfect for high school students:

  1. How Does Recycling Help the Environment?
  2. What Steps Can You Take to Save Money as a Teenager?
  3. How Do Video Games Affect Your Brain?
  4. What Are the Benefits of Learning a Second Language?
  5. How Does the Weather Affect Your Mood?
  6. What Are the Best Ways to Stay Healthy in School?
  7. How Do Plants Grow and Why Are They Important?
  8. What Makes a Good Leader?
  9. How Does the Internet Work?
  10. What Are the Effects of Listening to Music on Productivity?

These topics are not only good for writing but also interesting to research and learn about. Expository essays are a chance to explore and explain, so pick a topic that you find fascinating and dive into the details!

Cause and effect topics

Cause and effect essays are about understanding why things happen (the cause) and what happens as a result (the effect). It's like being a detective, looking for clues and connecting the dots. Here are ten easy and creative cause and effect essay topics perfect for high school students:

  1. What Happens When You Get Enough Sleep vs. Not Enough?
  2. How Does Spending Time Outdoors Affect Your Health?
  3. What Are the Effects of Eating Too Much Sugar?
  4. How Does Being Organized Help You in School?
  5. What Happens When You Regularly Exercise?
  6. How Does Watching Too Much TV Affect Your Brain?
  7. What Are the Effects of Having a Hobby?
  8. How Does Bullying Affect Students in School?
  9. What Happens When You Drink Enough Water Every Day?
  10. How Does Using Social Media Affect Friendships?

These topics are not only easy to write about but also allow you to be creative in exploring the reasons behind things and their outcomes. Cause and effect essays help you think critically, so choose a topic you're curious about and start investigating!

Narrative topics

Narrative essays are all about telling a story. They allow you to be creative and share experiences or imaginative scenarios. Here are ten easy and interesting narrative essay topics perfect for high school students:

  1. A Day You'll Never Forget
  2. Your First Day at a New School
  3. The Time You Learned a Valuable Lesson from a Mistake
  4. A Memorable Trip with Your Family or Friends
  5. The Moment You Stood Up for What You Believe In
  6. An Unexpected Adventure in Your Neighborhood
  7. The Day You Met Someone Who Changed Your Life
  8. A Special Family Tradition You Cherish
  9. Your Experience of Overcoming a Fear
  10. A Funny or Embarrassing Moment You Experienced

Narrative essays are like your personal stories. They're a chance to share a part of your life or your imagination with others. So pick a topic that means something to you or that you find exciting, and let your creativity flow!

Five-paragraph essay topics

5 paragraph essays are a great way to organize your thoughts and keep your writing focused. Here are five creative topics perfect for high school students:

  1. "If I Could Invent Something New": Imagine you're an inventor. Describe your invention, how it works, and how it would change the world.
  2. "A World Without Smartphones": Describe how daily life would change if smartphones suddenly disappeared. Cover both the challenges and the unexpected benefits.
  3. "The Secret Life of My Pet": Narrate a day from the perspective of your pet. What adventures do they have when you're not around?
  4. "The Book That Changed My Life": Discuss a book that had a significant impact on you. Explain how it changed your thoughts or behavior.
  5. "When Time Stopped": Imagine a day where the clock stopped ticking. How would you spend those endless hours? Describe the events of the day and how the experience changed your view of time.

These topics allow you to be creative and explore different scenarios while keeping your writing structured. Pick a topic that sparks your imagination and start crafting your story!


As we wrap up this journey through diverse and engaging essay topics for high school students, remember that the key to a memorable essay lies in the choice of topic. It's the spark that ignites your writing and captures the reader's interest. Whether you choose a persuasive, discursive, opinion, expository, cause and effect, narrative, or five-paragraph essay, ensure it's a topic that resonates with you personally. Your passion and interest in the subject will shine through your writing, making your essay stand out.

If you're still feeling unsure or pressed for time, remember, Writers per Hour is here to assist. Our essay writing service is tailored for high school students like you, offering guidance and support to help you craft the perfect essay.

But the most important tipChoose a topic that speaks to you, one that sparks your curiosity and ignites your desire to write. With the right topic in hand, your essay is already on the path to success.

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