AI firms must be held responsible for harm they cause, ‘godfathers’ of technology say by Dan Milmo
This article review example provides insight into an article by Dan Milmo published in the Guardian that discusses the views of experts concerning the dangers posed by advancing AI technologies. Our article review writer acknowledges some of the significance of the concerns raised, such as the inefficiency of the current oversight systems governing AI. This academic paper example also addresses some of the critiques of these concerns, noting that some figures in this AI community do not share the same fears about the possibilities of this technology. The writer ensured that this article review provided a balanced evaluation of the perspectives conveyed by the article.
* The sample essays are for browsing purposes only and are not to be submitted as original work to avoid issues with plagiarism.
Academic level:
High school
Type of paper:
Article review
2 (550 words)
* The sample essays are for browsing purposes only and are not to be submitted as original work to avoid issues with plagiarism.