Choosing a topic for your chemistry internal assessment can feel like being a kid in a candy store - so many options, each more exciting than the last. It's your chance to dive deep into the vast and varied world of chemistry, exploring the areas that fascinate you the most.

The IA is an integral part of the IB SL chemistry course. It provides a unique opportunity to carry out an in-depth investigation on a chosen chemistry topic, applying the knowledge and skills you've learned throughout your studies.

In this blog post, we aim to guide you through this selection process, providing you with 30 chemistry IA topic ideas and tips on how to choose the right one for you. Whether you're passionate about organic chemistry or fascinated by the behavior of molecules, there's something here for everyone.

30 IB Chemistry IA Topic Ideas

Choosing a chemistry IA topic isn't just about picking something off a list; it's about finding a subject that piques your curiosity, matches your interests, and offers a viable path for investigation. To help spark your inspiration, we've curated a list of 30 good chemistry IA topics suitable for IB Standard Level:

1. Analysis of vitamin C content in different types of fruit

2. Investigating the effect of temperature on enzyme activity

3. The chemistry of natural water pollution cleaners

4. Analysis of caffeine concentration in different types of coffee

5. Investigation of acidity levels in various types of soda

6. The impact of sunlight on dye degradation

7. Extraction and analysis of essential oils from plants

8. Studying the rate of fermentation under different conditions

9. Investigating the effect of pH on the corrosion of metals

10. The chemistry behind non-stick pans

11. Analyzing the presence of heavy metals in local soils

12. Investigating the effect of salinity on water freezing point

13. Understanding the chemistry of batteries

14. Study on the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid

15. Analysis of sugar content in various types of beverages

16. The chemistry of climate change: Carbon sequestration techniques

17. Investigating the properties of homemade plastic

18. Analysis of different antacid effectiveness in neutralizing stomach acid

19. Understanding the chemical processes in brewing beer

20. Investigating the extraction of DNA from fruits

21. Studying the process of rust and ways to prevent it

22. The chemistry behind fireworks: Why do they show different colors?

23. Investigating the synthesis and properties of biodiesel

23. Analysis of fluoride concentration in different brands of toothpaste

25. Studying the effect of light exposure on the color of soft drinks

26. Understanding the chemistry of soaps and detergents

27. Investigating the rate of photosynthesis under different light colors

28. Analysis of the chemical composition of different types of honey

29. Studying the chemical changes in ripening fruits

30. The chemistry behind airbags: How do they work so fast?

These topics represent a broad range of areas in chemistry. They are intended to inspire your thought process and guide you toward a subject that you find intriguing.

Tips for Selecting the Right Topic for Chemistry IA

Choosing a chemistry IA topic can be exciting, but it can also be daunting. After all, the topic you select will guide your research and learning for the duration of the project. To ensure that you make a choice that will keep you engaged and motivated, here are a few tips:

Align with Your Interests: You're more likely to stay motivated if you're genuinely curious about your topic. Think about the areas of chemistry that have intrigued you during your studies. Are you drawn to organic chemistry? Or maybe you're fascinated by biochemistry? Start there.

Consider Your Resources: Keep in mind the resources you have available to you. This includes both tangible resources like lab equipment and materials, as well as intangible ones like time and guidance from your teacher.

Think About the Scope: Be wary of choosing a topic that's too broad or too complex. Remember, this is a Standard Level IA, so aim for depth over breadth. It's better to thoroughly explore one aspect of a topic than to skim over many.

Relevance to the Syllabus: Although the IA is an independent project, it should still relate to the material you've covered in your IB Chemistry course. Make sure your chosen topic aligns with the syllabus.

Real-World Connection: Topics with real-world connections can be more engaging and satisfying to explore. Consider choosing a topic that relates to everyday life, environmental issues, or current scientific research.

Remember, there's no "perfect" chemistry IA topic. The best topic for your Chemistry IB IA is the one that sparks your curiosity and aligns with your resources and objectives.

From Chemistry Topic to Research Question

Once you've chosen a broad topic that interests you, the next step is to narrow it down into a focused research question. This process can often feel as challenging as choosing the topic itself, but don't worry - we're here to guide you through it.

Be Specific: The more specific your research question, the easier it will be to stay focused during your investigation. For example, instead of a broad topic like "The Chemistry of Coffee", you might narrow it down to "Analysis of caffeine concentration in different types of coffee".

Consider Feasibility: Your research question should be something you can feasibly investigate within the constraints of your resources. Think about what materials you have access to, the amount of time you have, and the guidance available to you.

Align with the IB Criteria: Remember that the IA is not just about conducting an experiment. It also involves evaluating your method, analyzing your data, and drawing conclusions. Ensure that your research question allows for this type of analysis.

Seek Feedback: Don't hesitate to discuss your ideas with your teachers or classmates. They can offer valuable perspectives and help you refine your research question.

Turning your topic into a research question is a crucial step in your Chemistry IA journey. It's the question that will guide your exploration and determine the direction of your investigation.

Utilizing Available Resources When Writing Chemistry IA

There are numerous resources available to you that can provide guidance and support when you need help with your chemistry IA.

Your Teacher: Your Chemistry teacher is a valuable resource. They understand the requirements of the IA and can provide guidance on your chosen topic, research question, and experimental design.

Textbooks and Class Materials: Your textbooks and class materials can help provide the foundational knowledge you need for your IA.

Online Resources: There are numerous online resources available that can provide additional support. Websites like Khan Academy can help reinforce concepts, while research databases can provide scientific literature related to your chosen topic.

Writing Services: If you're feeling overwhelmed with your IA, there are professional IA services where you can buy chemistry IA online. These assessment help services can help you through the process and ensure that your IA meets the highest academic standards or you can request them to write it from scratch for you.

Remember, your IA is an opportunity for you to showcase your understanding of chemistry. Utilize the resources available to you to ensure that your work is the best it can be.


With the right topic, a well-crafted research question, and effective use of resources, you're on the right track toward a successful project.

Remember that the key to a successful IA is not just about selecting a good chemistry IA topic but also about maintaining your curiosity and enthusiasm throughout the process. This journey will require effort, creativity, and critical thinking, but the result will be incredibly rewarding - a deep understanding of a chemistry IA topic you're passionate about and a high-quality piece of scientific research to be proud of.

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