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Easily hire world studies essay writer

Over 250 real essay writers are available for hire, ensuring you meet your deadlines with top-quality work

IB writer
IB writer
IB writer

How to use our ib writing service

Order Essay
Order Essay
Order Essay
Order Essay

Step 1

Fill out the order form online

Provide all the necessary details about your essay, including the topic, word count, deadline, and any specific requirements or guidelines you'd like us to follow.

Step 2

Make a payment

We accept all major credit cards as well as PayPal, giving you the flexibility to choose the most convenient payment method for you.

Step 3

Writer assigned

Our advanced AI matching system analyzes the details of your essay to match you with the most suitable essay writer.

Step 4

Receive the final paper

Upon completion, your final paper will be delivered directly to your email and be available for download from your account on our essay writing website.

We write IB world studies extended essays

Our IB writing service produces extended essays from satisfactory to excellent standards, focusing on quality and avoiding plagiarism.


Interdisciplinary Approach
Global Significance
Research Question
Use of Theoretical Frameworks
Analysis and Synthesis
Personal Engagement
Multidisciplinary Sources
Real-World Application


In-text citation
Plagiarism free.
Plagiarism free
No hidden charges.
No hidden charges
On time delivery.
On-time delivery
Money back guarantee.
Money back guarantee

Free add-ons
& optional extras

Our prices start at $11.99, based on academic level, deadline, and the number of pages, with no special offers included.

Included in the price

Title page

Plagiarism report

Unlimited revisions

AI detection report


(APA, MLA, Chicago etc.)

Extra services

One-page abstract


Previous writer

+5% to the price

Writer's category

+25% to the price

What ib alumni say

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* These reviews were collected by our team from our customers through live chat, WhatsApp, and email.

Can I trust your World Studies Extended Essay writing service?


Our IB writing service has a strong reputation and is recommended by many active and graduate students, including International Baccalaureate students worldwide. We guarantee to strictly follow IB criteria, adhere to the World Studies EE structure, and include theoretical frameworks, analysis, and synthesis. We ensure the essay is written between 3,000 and 4,000 words and use reliable sources such as academic journals, books, interviews, case studies, and statistical data.

Do you guarantee plagiarism-free essays?


Yes, our custom writing service guarantees that each IB essay is written from scratch. We ensure that all sources are appropriately cited according to the required academic format (APA, MLA, Harvard). If you need evidence of originality, you can request a free originality report from our team.

Get professional writing help with your World Studies Extended Essay

We understand that the World Studies Extended Essay is a challenging paper, requiring between 3,000 and 4,000 words. It is necessary to use a variety of sources from different disciplines, include practical implications and possible solutions, and meet several other criteria to achieve an excellent score. Our IB writing service professionals are well-qualified in writing WSEEs for the IB and can guarantee high quality. Additionally, we offer free unlimited revisions, a 100% money-back guarantee, and 24/7 customer support.

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